In spring 2020, Keolis launched an initiative aimed at suppliers with whom the Group has a minimum annual turnover of €100,000, to encourage them to participate in reforestation projects and to take part in the creation of a virtuous circle to promote ecology and the restoration of biodiversity. The suppliers commit to planting trees in proportion to their turnover through a "carbon contribution" clause included in their contracts with the Group. Since the project was launched, more than 4,300 trees have been planted. This initiative is rooted in Keolis Group’s global commitment to sustainable purchasing which has been in place for a number of years, which involves incorporating specific clauses into the contracts.

A commitment to carbon contribution with the suppliers

In spring 2020, Keolis launched an initiative encouraging its suppliers, under framework contracts, to participate in reforestation projects. Through a contractual "carbon contribution" clause, the supplier commits to get involved in planting trees, the number of which depends on the amount of the contracts signed with Keolis. Suppliers with a minimum annual turnover with the Group are invited to participate in tree planting according to their turnover.

Suppliers have the option of choosing the partner they want (NGO, association, company etc.) to carry out the planting of these trees, for which the suppliers pay the cost, depending on the species planted, the project and the country of plantation. The suppliers are also free to define the project they wish to support.

A reforestation project at the heart of a sustainable purchasing strategy

Through this approach, Keolis seeks to participate in a virtuous environmental dynamic to protect and restore biodiversity. Planting trees effectively helps to combat soil erosion, improve water quality, maintain and restore biodiversity, produce oxygen, etc.

For several years now, the Group has been implementing a global approach to sustainable purchasing. As well as including a carbon contribution clause, a climate clause is gradually being incorporated into the contracts, which requires suppliers to introduce virtuous measures pertaining to greenhouse gas emissions and climate impact. Various clauses relating to waste treatment and respect for the environment are also being incorporated into framework agreements on sensitive products.

Keolis, committed to the energy transition

This project is part of Keolis' commitment to the energy transition. This strategy has also been expressed, for many years, via the promotion and deployment of more sustainable local mobility solutions for Keolis' customers, transport authorities and passengers. The Group, which operates some 4,000 vehicles running on alternative energy, i.e. almost 20% of its total bus fleet, aims to become the leading reference in sustainable mobility.