Breast cancer is both the most common and the deadliest cancer in women. Detecting it early increases the chances of recovery. This is why, every year since 1994, the “Pink October” (Breast Cancer Awareness Month) campaign in France has been raising women’s awareness of the need for early detection. Keolis subsidiaries once again rallied around this cause.

To show its support for “Pink October”, Keolis Agen has stuck the famous pink ribbon on the front of all its vehicles, a good initiative to subtly remind passengers to look after their health.

Keolis Quimper supported the fight by providing free shuttle buses to enable the 5,000 people taking part in the "KempeR’Ose" run and walk to get to Quimper town centre easily on 1 October.

The Compagnie des Transports Strasbourgeois, for which Keolis is providing technical assistance, has also joined the fight. As a mark of their support, members of the CTS sales office team are dressing in pink throughout the month. Addistionally, CTS staff were on hand on Sunday 8 October at the start of the La Strasbourgeoise run and walk, organised to support the cause.