▪ The “Communauté d’Agglomération Porte de l’Isère” (CAPI) district council has renewed its faith in the Keolis Group with a new public service contract to operate its RUBAN network. The 6-year contract came into effect on 1 September 2022. The contract is worth total revenues of €69 million.

▪ Keolis will roll out a new global and intermodal mobility offer (new bus routes, a school transport offer, transport on demand, electric bike rental and carsharing), plus a more complete MaaS digital application.

▪ Keolis will also help the CAPI district authority with the conversion of its fleet of vehicles to electric and the electric retrofit of three school buses

The new network operated by Keolis in the 22 municipalities that make up the CAPI district (110,000 inhabitants):

  • Will facilitate travel in the district, thanks to a more frequent service (every 15 minutes) on four corridors, the creation of a new direct line crossing the conurbation from east to west and a more extensive service in business areas,

  • Will simplify transport on demand, thanks to an improved evening, night and Sunday service, and a more efficient booking application,

  • Will encourage cycling, by supplying 200 new electrically assisted bicycles, increasing the fleet to 300 units,

  • Will facilitate intermodal travel between trains and buses, by operating services to the four railway stations in the district. 

A MaaS app for easier mobility

In 2023, travellers will be able to use numerous enhancements to the existing digital application that will enable them to optimise their journey times and consult the timetables in real time. All the functionality will be available in a single, intuitive and complete application, including:

  • a real-time route planner including all means of travel (bus, coach, on foot, self-service bikes and scooters, transport on demand, regional coaches, rail, car-sharing, etc.),

  • an “M-ticket” solution to pay and validate a ticket using a QR code.

Three retrofitted vehicles

Keolis aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 33% from the entire CAPI network by the end of the contract. To achieve this target, Keolis will deploy three retrofitted school buses. Retrofitting consists of replacing the internal combustion powertrain of a vehicle with an electrification kit (battery system, electric motor and digital energy control solutions). This retrofit operation will be performed by Retrofleet . Keolis will also help the district authority to introduce electric vehicles.

The Ruban network - Key figures

  • 22 municipalities covered

  • 31 lines (10 commercial and 26 for schools)

  • €69 million of total revenues

  • 115 employees, including 90 drivers

  • 45 urban vehicles - 24 school vehicles

  • 300 bicycles

  • 2.5 million kilometres travelled per year