“The Keolis group, with its 3,000 employees working for Bordeaux Métropole, is proud to continue its partnership and support the deployment of a safe, innovative and sustainable mobility service across the Bordeaux area. The appeal of the TBM network and the reputation of the Metropole will be reinforced with the new tram connections, the enhanced multimodal offer and the goal of setting up the first mission-driven company in the transport sector.”

Marie-Ange Debon, Chairwoman and Group Chief Executive Officer

E and F : two new Bordeaux tram connections

To improve traffic flow on the tram network, Keolis intends to:

  • create two new connections (E and F), which will be introduced using existing infrastructure with new points and intelligent equipment installed at Porte de Bourgogne;

  • improve service frequency on the central part of the network (which represents 25% of journeys within the urban area) by reducing the interval between trams to two and a half minutes (from three minutes currently).

The Group has also signed a strategic partnership with Alstom to extend the lifetime of the tramway and improve the reliability of the ground-level power supply, which was one of the first such systems introduced in the world.

Encouraging multimodal transport in response to the city's Mobility Plan

The mobility offer will see a significant improvement to services for the city’s 18 railway stations (TER and RER Métropolitain) by:

  • increasing the distance covered by the network by 13% across all modes of transport, weighted in favour of buses, to optimise links between the city and destinations outside the city

  • supporting the Metropolian Council in developing seven Express bus lines in response to the need for mobility in the inner and outer suburbs.

  • by significantly improving services to the 18 railway stations (TER and RER Métropolitain).

The new offer also includes:

  • FLEX, a Transport on Demand service to be deployed from 2023 that will provide additional solutions (serving the TER stations of the peninsula, the OIM Aéroparc de Bordeaux area and the whole metropolitan area during the night).

  • A fleet of 500 new self-service bicycles (+20%) featuring “embedded intelligence”. Ultimately, around 50 new bike parking points will be set up.

  • An optimised fleet of river shuttles, with four additional boats by 2025, bringing the total number to seven.

  • A new MaaS app for users, which will incorporate all the city’s mobility solutions including multimodal route planning, real-time travel information, ticket purchasing, bookings for self-service bikes or ToD or filing complaints.

  • a strong increase in service quality commitments, particularly in terms of punctuality and reliability.

The first mission-driven company in the mobility sector

Keolis wants to make TBM the most advanced public transport network in France in terms of its CSR commitments, which will include:

  • achieving level 4, the highest level, for the “Engagé RSE” quality label;

  • obtaining Cap’Handéo certification, which guarantees high-quality transport services for people with reduced mobility;

  • acquiring the GEEIS Diversity label awarded by Bureau Veritas, promoting gender equality and diversity in the workplace and prohibiting all forms of discrimination;

  • reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 80% across the network.

Key figures for the current TBM network

  • 4 tram lines, 77 km of track and 130 trams

  • 79 bus lines

  • 279 NGV buses, 28 hybrid buses

  • 3 river shuttles

  • 2,000 bicycles, half electrically assisted

  • 27 park-and-ride points

  • 44 Mobibus for people with reduced mobility

  • 3,000 employees