Keolis is committed to the fight against ordinary sexism by joining the collective organizing the #StOpE initiative to ordinary sexism at work, on the occasion of the initiative's annual ceremony on January 25, 2024.

The #StOpE initiative was created in 2018 and now has nearly 200 signatory organizations representing the private, public and academic sectors. Its aim? To pool energies in order to combat ordinary sexism in the workplace and to spread actions and good practices on this subject.

The initiative is placed under the high patronage of the Ministry Delegate in charge of Equality between Women and Men and the Fight against Discrimination, and since 2021, #StOpE has been supported and led by the AFMD.

#StOpE is an initiative committed to bringing about change and to multiplying the impact on the culture of organizations. To achieve this, the #StOpE initiative brings together a network of employers who commit to the 8 commitments defined in the #StOpE Commitment Charter.

#StOpE Commitment Charter :

DISPLAY and ENFORCE the principle of zero tolerance

INFORM to raise awareness of sexist behavior (acts, words, attitudes) and their impact

PROVIDE targeted training on obligations and best practices in the fight against ordinary sexism

DIFFUSE pedagogical tools to help employees deal with sexist behavior in the workplace

ENCOURAGE all employees to contribute to preventing, identifying and reacting to sexist behavior.

PREVENT situations of sexism and provide personalized support to victims, witnesses and decision-makers in reporting and dealing with sexist behavior.

PENALIZE reprehensible behavior and communicate the associated sanctions

MEASURE and set up monitoring indicators

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