Marking the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December 2022, Keolis is underlining its work to promote inclusive mobility with a structured approach based on 7 commitments to public transport authorities and 6 promises to passengers.

Accessibility, a strategic priority for Keolis

In accordance with its corporate purpose, the Keolis Group works every day in the 13 countries where it operates to promote sustainable, inclusive mobility that contributes to better quality of life for all. We go beyond regulatory requirements to make accessibility a strategic priority. This ambition is taking concrete form with the creation of UniK, a dedicated programme to put the Group’s accessibility policy into practice and guide the initiatives developed by our subsidiaries to benefit passengers in vulnerable situations.

Mobility for all - an experience adapted to each individual

To simplify and facilitate the mobility experience at every stage of a journey, the UniK approach, based on seven commitments to public transport authorities (PTAs) and six promises to passengers , aims to meet the specific needs of each passenger, taking into account their potential disabilities and vulnerabilities, whether these are visible or not and whether they are permanent or temporary. It guides the design, deployment, management and promotion of mobility services that are increasingly inclusive and better adapted.

Key figures

  • Over 1 billion people, 15% of the world's population, have some form of disability (WHO 2021)

  • 30 million French people are in a vulnerable situation in relation to their mobility (Keoscopie)

  • 80% of disabilities are invisible (Keoscopie)

Unik, a signature and logo rich in meaning

At Keolis, we believe that every passenger is unique in their needs and expectations with regard to mobility, as “UniK” reminds us. This is all the more true for passengers with special needs, who do not form a uniform category of customers. They all have their own specific difficulties depending on their vulnerability: permanent or temporary disabilities, chronic illnesses, the consequences of ageing, maternity, passengers with young children... And since mobility should remain an enjoyable experience, UniK’s logo represents a smile, symbolising the welcome and the kindness we want to offer to all our passengers.

Subsidiaries in action

The UniK approach is spreading through our networks thanks to the commitment of our subsidiaries, which are innovating to make their mobility services increasingly inclusive:

  • To streamline wheelchairs passengers , Keolis Rennes offers a badge equipped with sensors that can validate their ticket and automatically open the barriers on the metro.

  • In 2021, the sales office of the Fil Bleu transport network operated by Keolis Tours was awarded the ACCEV® label in recognition of its continuous improvement approach to accessibility (equipment, layout, staff training in the caring approach to passengers with specific needs).

  • Our teams have been working with the Association Valentin Haüy to develop the new PAM 75 app for the Paris paratransit service operated by Keolis, making it completely accessible to visually impaired and blind users and enabling them to manage their travel fully independently: booking, cancellation, payment, real-time monitoring of the vehicle’s approach etc. The app was awarded the Smart City prize at the 10th Grands Prix de la Région Capitale organised by Ville Rails & Transport.

  • After Versailles and Bordeaux, we are testing NaviLens, a guidance facilitator in Melbourne (Australia) for people with visual impairments. It uses a technology based on enhanced QR codes in public spaces.

  • In London, our staff on the DLR automated metro line are equipped with flyers presenting the main signs in British Sign Language and a fingerspelling alphabet (a representation of the alphabet using hand signs). They can keep the pocket-sized flyer with them at all times, enabling them to communicate more easily with passengers with hearing impairments.

The commitments and promises made by Keolis are applied by each subsidiary in conjunction with their public transport authority. They represent a framework for ensuring that each passenger benefits from an accessible and attentive mobility experience, as we strive towards ever-greater results. ”

Annelise Avril, Marketing Director, Innovation and New Mobilities