Three new bus networks in Île-de-France

  • With the first five-year contract (with a possible one-year extension) beginning on 1 August 2022, Keolis will operate a 50-line bus network covering an area of nine municipalities with 200,000 inhabitants in the Val d'Yerres Val de Seine intercommunal district.

  • With the second four-year contract beginning on 1 August 2022, Keolis will operate 32 bus lines on a network covering an area of 32 municipalities with 60,000 inhabitants in the Val d'Essonne and Deux Vallées federation of municipalities in the south of the Essonne department.

  • With the third seven-year contract beginning on 1 August 2022, Keolis will operate a bus network featuring 26 lines (including 15 school routes) and covering an area of 11 municipalities with 162,000 inhabitants in the Versailles Grand Parc intercommunal district.

The Val d’Yerres Val de Seine intercommunal district network

This five-year contract, with the option of an extra year, will begin on 1 August 2022 and will serve the 200,000 inhabitants of the Val d’Yerres Val de Seine intercommunal district. The network of 166 buses and 50 lines will cover nine municipalities and link Juvisy and Villeneuve-Saint-Georges RER train stations. The network will be extended during the term of the contract, to also link up with the future C1 cable from Créteil to Villeneuve-Saint-Georges.

The Val d’Essonne and Deux Vallées network

This four-year contract will begin on 1 August 2022. The network will cover the 32 municipalities in the Val d’Essonne and Deux Vallées federation of municipalities, which has 60,000 inhabitants. It will be made up of 32 bus lines and 94 vehicles. Under the terms of the contract, Keolis pledges to create two night bus services from Bouray-sur-Juine and Mennecy train stations, and to extend on-demand transport services around Milly-la-Forêt.

The network covering the eastern sector of Versailles Grand Parc intercommunal district

The seven-year contract will begin on 1 August 2022 in 11 municipalities of the Versailles Grand Parc intercommunal district, including Vélizy-Villacoublay. Designed to offer shared mobility services to a population of 162,000 inhabitants, the network will have 26 lines, including 15 school routes, and will link up with Vélizy 2 shopping centre and the HEC business school campus.

The contract also covers a new night bus, which will run from Versailles Chantiers train station to the municipalities of Loges-en-Josas and Bièvres.

Within the term of the contract, Keolis also commits to supporting Île-de-France Mobilités and the local authority as they continue to implement the energy transition of their transport network, by launching two hydrogen-powered buses in 2022, in addition to more than 39 electric buses already in circulation.

Thanks to this, Keolis is consolidating its position as a specialist operator of electric mobility solutions in the Paris region with two electric bus networks in Vélizy and Argenteuil respectively.

Keolis becomes the largest mobility provider in the Essonne department and consolidates its position as the leading operator in the Yvelines department

The two new bus networks in Essonne will make Keolis the largest public transport provider in the department, where the Group has been operating for over thirty years. By operating these two networks and serving new sectors, Keolis will enlarge its regional scope.The new contract in Yvelines also enables Keolis to consolidate its position in the department where it operates the network covering Versailles Grand Parc's urban centre, the network covering the eastern sector of the Grand Paris Seine & Oise urban community (since 1 August 2021) and the network covering the eastern sector of the Saint-Germain Boucles de Seine et d’Argenteuil intercommunal district (since 1 January 2022)

Key figures for the three contracts

  • 108
  • Approx. 400
  • Approx. 750
  • More than 13M
    km covered every year
  • About €300 M
    in cumulative revenue