Meeting the new expectations of passengers

Faced with a growing number of transport choices, passengers want more fluidity and flexibility when they travel. For local communities, the challenge is to respond in an increasingly personalised way to a diverse range of passenger needs by offering viable alternatives to individual car use.

Travelling better,travelling differently

When it comes to mobility, there will be a “before” and an “after” Covid-19. Beyond changing our lifestyles and consumption patterns, the health crisis has substantially impacted the way we travel.

1) High expectationsfor alternative transport offers

Remote working has radically changed the way people commute. New and alternative modes of transport have begun to emerge as a result. A revolution is underway, as shown through the behaviour of younger generations, ready to explore all mobility options as long as they are practical, accessible, and environmentally-friendly

2) More coherent, optimised management of the transport offer

Transport users need to be able to get around easily, quickly and comfortably, making the best use of the local services. A concerted analysis of intermodality to decompartmentalise different types of transport and combine them in an optimised way: this is what multimodality is all about.

3) Maas : a solution to be deployed

Offering solutions that facilitate multimodality has become crucial in addressing passenger’s new expectations. This is why Keolis is working closely with the public transport authorities to deploy innovative solutions, such as MaaS (Mobility as a Service) apps. These are key to providing passengers with increasingly personalised, relevant transport offers.

Key figures and trends

  • 66%of French people prefer active forms of soft mobility to get around
  • 13different transport modes
  • + €11.9 billion growth in the multi-mobility market in 2023
  • 68%of Europeans would like fewer cars
  • 47%of people who travel have reported a significant change in their mobility habits
  • 60%of frequent public transport users have reported a significant change in their mobility habits

The expert's view

"Even in developed countries, the public sector is facing tighter budgetary restrictions. At the same time, inadequate public transport and congestion are often proving an issue. This is what makes MaaS so interesting. (...) By making public transport more attractive and sustainable, and encouraging ridership, MaaS is obviously good news for the environment.”

Piia Karjalainen, Senior Manager, MaaS Alliance (Finland)